The price of looking beautiful

The price of looking beautiful

I wish people would consider fashion as a hobby, like playing piano. You will be admired if you play it well, but if you don’t play piano, no one will judge you. Not just fashion, but also make up, beauty regime, anything to do with appearance. I wish those things were niche, an underground culture that only a few people would care about.

Funny that people say women care too much about appearance, like we had a choice, like men didn’t want to marry beautiful girl, like we could be hired even if we didn’t look “professional” enough. We spent half of our money on clothes, make ups, hair styling,… not to mention plastic surgery. Why? Because we are treated the way we look.  Hypocrites say “appearance doesn’t matter” but then preach “you should dress nicely, you should take care of your skin, etc”.

I hate beauty pageant. I remember reading a book teaching English when I was about ten maybe, and they asked several people (English people) what they think of Miss England contest. One of them said: “I like beauty contest, it is like a pig selling tour”, something like that. The book was written in the 60’s. But now, in Vietnam, people still praise Miss Vietnam as “representative of Vietnamese women”.

You would say, but you like to be beautiful too, you put on make up everyday, you are thrilled to have a new dress. Yes I do like it, I do feel good being in a pretty outfit. I do love pretty girls, I do admire them. But I just want that other girls were not put down because of their appearance. The beauty industry is like billions per year that could go to something more important. The little joy I have while beautifying myself up is nothing compare to the relief of not having to think constantly about your appearance.

Yes, if fashion was niche, I would go to work wearing a potato bag.

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